Experts at Managing Safety Risks
SafeSafety Performance Group Ltd combines leading expertise and experience to deliver Health and Safety solutions to businesses across wide-ranging industry sectors. Our services include acting as your Health and Safety competence person, workplace compliance, policies and procedures and construction CDM compliance. We actively assess, support and guide organisations to achieve compliance and realise value.
Our consultants have over 20 years’ experience of providing practical and bespoke advice to businesses, including SMEs and international companies. Our consultants are Chartered Members of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Performance Group Ltd combines leading expertise and experience to deliver Health and Safety solutions to businesses across wide-ranging industry sectors. Our services include acting as your Health and Safety competence person, workplace compliance, policies and procedures and construction CDM compliance. We actively assess, support and guide organisations to achieve compliance and realise value.
Our consultants have over 20 years’ experience of providing practical and bespoke advice to businesses, including SMEs and international companies. Our consultants are Chartered Members of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.
Our Services
Health and Safety Compliance Review
Whether you require a basic Health and Safety check-up or an in-depth audit in line with HSG65 or ISO 45001, our consultants provide an efficient and cost effective service to assess:
Legal compliance
How well Health and Safety risks are managed, in line with accepted good practice
Achievement of aims and objectives
Safety climate and culture
Every review is accompanied by a report including a:
Management summary
Prioritised action plan
Results are presented in a format to enable a pragmatic action plan can be put in place.
Health and Safety Competent Person
The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 state that every employer must enlist a competent persons to assist in complying with their statutory duties under Health and Safety Law. Where no competent person exists within a company, the services of an external Health and Safety Consultant should be sought.
For a one-off, annual fee, we offer cost-effective and comprehensive Health and Safety support and advice to organisations. We provide you with a competent Health and Safety advisor who acts as your competent person.
This Health and Safety outsourcing service includes:
Access to our health and safety advice
An annual review of your Health and Safety policy
Use of competent health and safety consultant’s name and CV for accreditation purpose and bids and tenders.
Assistance with reporting incidents to the HSE
Health and Safety Policy
In line with HSG65 and the Health and Safety at Work Act, a Health and Safety Policy should contain:
A statement of intent, signed by the senior person in the organisation with responsibility for Health and Safety
Roles and responsibilities, specific to the organisation
Arrangements for the management of Health and Safety in the company
SPG Ltd can work with you to prepare a policy according to your requirements, or review and update your existing policy to bring it in line with current legislation and good practice.
Workplace Health and Safety Inspections
Workplace inspections should be conducted on a regular basis by competent persons to ensure compliance with company standards and procedures.
SPG Ltd can conduct workplace Health and Safety inspections in workplaces and on client work sites, as follows:
Documented reports detailing identified breaches in legislation and associated recommendations for improvement
Advice on safe methods of work and safe working practices
Liaison with management on Health and Safety issues raised
Periodic management review meetings to discuss inspection findings and reports
Ongoing advice and guidance in relation to the sites visited
Inspection checklist and reports can be concise or detailed, dependant on requirements.
Risk Assessments
Health and Safety legislation demands that employers make a suitable and sufficient assessment of:
Health and safety risks employees are exposed to whilst at work
Risks to the health and safety of persons not in their employment
All assessments must be communicated to relevant persons and documented if there are five or more employees in the company.
SPG Ltd can work with you to conduct all necessary assessments for:
General workplace hazards and hazardous activities
Lone and home working
Manual handling, ergonomics
Work equipment
These can be supplemented by method statements and safe working procedures.
COSHH Assessments
Each COSHH risk assessment will be completed by one of our specialists and will consider:
The hazards presented by the substance or chemical and process
The SDS (Safety Data Sheet) provided by the supplier/manufacturer
The likely route of exposure (e.g. breathed in, swallowed, injected etc.)
The duration of exposure;
The severity of any likely ill-health effects, and any required first aid treatment
The methods of disposing of the substance
Storage methods and any special fire fighting requirements.
Following the assessment, a COSHH risk assessment will be produced detailing the hazards, overall risk factor and control measures required.
We can also provide an ongoing COSHH management service which can include reviewing and updating your existing COSHH risk assessments and assessing additional chemicals and substances.
CDM (Construction) Compliance
Our team has extensive experience in supporting clients to comply with the Construction Design and Management (CDM) and Building Regulations. We provide expert guidance and assistance throughout the entire regulatory process, ensuring that all requirements are met efficiently and effectively.
Key services includes:
Vetting subcontractors to ensure they meet the expected Health and Safety standards of the work
Construction Phase Plans help plan and organise a project, ensuring that work is carried out without risks to Health and Safety
Development of RAMS to ensure jobs can be undertaken safely with a suitable risk assessment and method statement
Fire Risk Assessment
The primary aim of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 is to implement suitable and sufficient risk control measures to safeguard life in non-domestic premises. This is realised by means of a fire risk assessment.
Our qualified and experienced consultants can conduct a fire risk assessment for your premises and provide professional guidance and advice to help you meet statutory requirements.
Other related services include development of:
Emergency procedures and plans
Fire escape strategies
Fire safety policies and management systems
Accident Investigation
SPG Ltd can provide a rapid response in the event of an accident to identify the root causes, recommend actions to prevent recurrence and strengthen the Health and Safety management system in place. If the HSE are involved then we can guide and support you through their incident investigation process, including what to expect if they visit your workplace.
We can also assist with:
Developing procedures for accident investigation
Gathering and analysis of information
Notification and reporting to the HSE
Interview techniques and what to expect under interview by the HSE
Contact Us
If you require any support, please complete the contact form.